On saturday 12th of June 2021 was born our LITTER E puppies. We have 6 puppies (3 girls and 3 boys).
Mother of puppies will be Ch. Danibull ASILLYA SILVERTINA
Father of puppies will be PIERKO Dru-Wyd
Results of father: Blood tracking test for pointer - I. merit, winner of test on age 7 monts, Autumn trial test - I. merit, on age 11 monts and Forest test in I. merit.
EMIL Danibull (Slovakia)
ENDY Danibull (Germany)
ENZO Danibull (Czech republic)
EMA Danibull (Czech republic)
EILA Danibull (Germany)
EYWA Danibull (stay in our kennel)
It will be a work-exterior mating of the Slovak wire haired pointers. The puppies will be intended for serious owners with the hope of use in hunting, competitions, shows, promotion of our Slovak national breed of dogs, or for further breeding or other social use.
We breed the puppies in our kennel with love in the home environment, we take care of socialization and we feed a wide range of the highest quality ingredients.
For all puppies we provide a sales contract, official pedigree (pedigree FCI), each puppy is chipped and have PET PASS, registered in the central register of pets and in the studbook, of course, all the necessary veterinary treatments (vaccinations) , deworming) and documents, puppies will be feeding to dry food (top quality) and with fresh food - BARF.
Breeding service, help with education and training is a matter of course for us.