
Winner of Autumn test for pointers

28-09-2024 Autumnt test for pointers, Skalica, Slovakia

JCh. GABA Danibull - I. merit, 242 points, Winner of test


Univerzal test for pointers

Ch. DORKA Danibull - Univerzal test for pointers, Pohár Lužických hor competition, I. merit


Špeciálna klubová výstava KCHSHS

17-08-2024 Special club dog show for slovakian wire haired pointer, KCHSHS, Bratislava, judge: Radomír Kriek

JCh. GABA Danibull - V1, CAJC, Víťaz špeciálnej výstavy mladých, Junior BOB, BEST OF BREED


Duodanube Bratislava

16-08-2024 CACIB Bratislava, Slovakia, judge: Željko Lozić, RS
JCh. GABA Danibull - Exc1, CAJC, FCI-CACIB-J, Junior BOB, BEST OF BREED, Best in Show National Breeds 1st, Junior BOG 1st and BOG 3rd
17-08-2024 CACIB Bratislava, Slovakia, judge: Duško Sormaz, RS
JCh. GABA Danibull - Exc1, CAJC, FCI-CACIB-J, Junior BOB, BEST OF BREED, Best in Show National Breeds 1st,and BOG 3rd


Special club show Czech Republic

10-08-2024 Special club dog show, Zakupy, Czech republic

Ch. JWW. DORKA Danibull - Exc1, CAC, Special club winner & Best of breed

foto: Eliška Machová

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