20.04.2019 CACIB Pau, France, judge: Philippe Dubroca
BLANCHE Danibull “Nougatine” - exc1, CACS, CACIB, BOB - Meilleur de Race
Owner: "Von Der Silberwaldperle"
13.04.2019 CACIB Limoges,France, judge: Parent Nathalie
BLANCHE Danibull “Nougatine” - exc1, CACS, CACIB, BOB - Meilleur de Race
Owner: "Von Der Silberwaldperle"
We expect puppies of Slovakian wire haired pointers at the beginning of May from very interesant mating!
My presentation about breeding, welfare and dogs law in Slovakia at Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. Second part of presentation was slovak national breeds, including Slovakian wire haired pointer and third part was presentation about dog handling. http://www.uniag.sk/sk/aktualne-informacie/items/o-chove-psov-s-renomovaným-kynológom-a-absolventom-spu/?fbclid=IwAR2CRpNqJIpgQOObq12JPTB3qU3weczu-tInuBBLRQkdbW22jlUMn4OVNRU
Letter of congratulations for me from Slovakian Club of Bohemian pointers.